Accurate forecasts provide greater transparency around financial performance, enabling you to manage your business more effectively. They inform day-to-day resource planning and guide long-term strategy. And, by allowing you to compare actual results with key performance indicators, they can provide timely alerts should performance veer off plan.

We have a strong track record of creating accurate financial forecasts that match the specific needs of diverse businesses, providing monthly cash flow forecasts, scenario planning for investment proposals, and rolling three- or twelve-month business forecasts.

Our expertise in this area will provide you with timely cash flow advice and prepare forecasts for use either internally in managing your business or for presentation to third parties, such as bank managers.

Professional financial forecasts are a key part of a successful pitch, and you can make the potential investor’s life that much easier by laying out exactly what they want. Our service is:

  • Fast and easy
  • Professional
  • Tailor-made for your business
  • Affordable: fees from just £200+VAT